Feb 18, 2016 | knee, meniscus, Regenexx, Regenexx SD+, surgery, Uncategorized |
Anyone who has taken a gander at knee-replacement pictures online knows that the procedure is not pretty. First there’s the demolition: The surgeon creates a long incision in the skin to access the knee joint and then amputates (or cuts out) all or part of the knee...
Feb 11, 2016 | elbow, platelet rich plasma (PRP), Regenexx, surgery, tennis elbow, Uncategorized |
The medical term for tennis elbow is lateral epicondylitis. The problem with this term is that it suggests swelling around the epicondyle, which is the bony bump you can feel on the outside of the elbow where many forearm muscles attach at their tendons. Numerous...
Feb 9, 2016 | Regenexx, shoulder, stem cells, supraspinatus, Uncategorized |
Multiple clinical trials currently are underway at Regenexx, with the aim of critically examining techniques and sharing regenerative medicine outcomes with the scientific community. One of these trials is aimed at evaluating the success of injections of bone-marrow...
Feb 2, 2016 | interventional orthopedics, knee, meniscus, Regenexx, Regenexx SD+, stem cells, Uncategorized |
The term “iron man” can call to mind either the classic character made popular in comic books and the movies or a super-fit person who rides, swims, and runs for hours on end. Michelle is the latter. Like many of us, she loves to run and ride her bike. A meniscus...
Jan 11, 2016 | Regenexx, stem cells, Uncategorized |
Dose is a key issue in medicine, yet for same-day stem-cell treatments nobody seems to know the correct dose nor have a way to measure it so that it can be adjusted to help patients. A newly published Regenexx research paper begins to answer some of these critical...
Jan 8, 2016 | interventional orthopedics, knee, Regenexx, stem cells, Uncategorized |
Regenexx, a nationwide network of doctors specializing in regenerative medicine and advanced interventional orthopedic techniques, announced the results of a peer-reviewed research study of 840 patients treated for knee osteoarthritis. All patients were treated using...