Dec 10, 2015 | arthritis, nerves, structural model of pain, surgery, Uncategorized |
Yet another study proves—yet again—that osteoarthritis pain is not related to structure. At issue here is the orthopedic paradigm that pain is related to structure; that MRI findings like meniscus tears and cartilage damage associated with osteoarthritis are the cause...
Oct 6, 2015 | arthritis, hip, Regenexx DDD, Regenexx SD+, spondylolisthesis, stem cells, Uncategorized |
Lynne is a force to be reckoned with, or perhaps she more accurately should be described as a redirected force. Her love is aikido, the Japanese martial art of redirecting an attacker’s forces back on him or her, using the opponent’s own energy to allow the smallest...
Aug 7, 2015 | ankle & foot, arthritis, surgery, Uncategorized |
Patients suffering from osteoarthritis of the ankle traditionally are told that their only hope is an ankle fusion. Since 2006, injections of the patient’s own stem cells have allowed many to avoid surgery and to recover ankle function with minimal pain. Research...
Jun 30, 2015 | arthritis, back, surgery, Uncategorized |
What are your spinal stenosis options? Should you have surgery? The past five to 10 years have been tough for some surgeons. Study after study shows that many common surgeries to repair joint or spine problems don’t work when the surgeries are tested against either a...
May 25, 2015 | arthritis, back, inflammation, knee, meniscus, Regenexx, shoulder, Uncategorized |
Regenexx’s Dr. Michael Jackson was recently featured on WHO radio’s Mickelson in the Morning to talk about the innovative procedures we offer. Listen below for an inside look at what we do.